Welcome to the CESTA Research Anthology Online
The CESTA Research Anthology is an annual publication which showcases the work of our many vibrant research projects, as presented by our undergraduate research interns.
Every year, several dozen Stanford undergraduates from a broad range of majors and minors join the CESTA community as research interns. Over one or more quarters, these interns collaborate with faculty and graduate students on cutting-edge research in the digital humanities. The capstone for our interns is the submission of a research report under the supervision of their project leads. The Anthology brings together these reports, offering a student's eye-view on the work done at CESTA over the course of the year.
With CESTA Research Anthology Online, students have the opportunity to share their work in interactive format. We will continue printing our annual Research Anthology, and you can find the PDFs of the print versions on the CESTA main website, here.